So. I was going to make a blog post talking about how I felt about Chaotic Space as a Twitch team, and go and share my raw thoughts about why so-and-so. But then I calmed down, had time to think, and understood them better rather than going off on them.

No longer on the team of chaotic space

So I was asked if I wanted to join the Twitch team, Chaotic Space. I was not fond of joining another team on Twitch, so I gave this team a shot. It wasn’t until a few days later that I saw that there was a rule that you should use the Twitch bot to promote the team or server to other viewers. The bot had a command you would use to post links related to Chaotic Space.

Which I have done somewhat, and when I used the bot. The viewers saw the link and might have been more likely to ignore the bot. Trust me, I didn’t love that bot either, but it was back in 2021 when you had to use that commend when you had viewers or something important, and I was not a fan.

Why did I get removed from the chaotic space team?

Later in the same year, I had a depressive mood that lasted for a good while, and when I’m in these moods, I do not stream. I had some annoying friends. They can “help.”, but that is a topic for another time.

I stopped streaming for a while. When I returned to streaming on twitch, I was no longer on the team. At first, I was a little sad that I got removed from the twitch team, but then clear that Chaotic space was not my friend nor my family. And I felt a little better that I was no longer on the team.

Why? I don’t have to worry about using a bot to scare off my lurkers or viewers because I have to promote this server or Twitch team, and I don’t have to worry about hosting someone. And funny, when I hosted people on this team, it fell into the void. And I don’t have to worry about trying to force a conversation that I feel is not genuine. I am not for that. I want a conversation to be authentic, so I can get invested in it.

And this was stuff I was not a fan of back when I was on the team in 2021. So most things have been changed, removed, or fixed for the better. I mean, Twitch removed hosting from the website.

Would I return to chaotic space?

Hmm, no. They are better off without me, and I am better off without them. And the way that they run that Twitch team is their business over there, not mine, and that’s okay.

When I saw Chaotic Space retweet one of my Twitch streams, they had almost 4.4k followers, which implies that they are well known… err, somewhat. Or at least that is what I once thought when I first joined.

The rules that I hated are starting to make sense because I once felt bitterness and spite towards the team, which have now been replaced with understanding. This is not some big team; it is a tiny team (28 members on the Twitch team at the time of this post, 7/31/2023).

The rules, like using the chaotic space bot to drop links in chat for viewers and other streamers to join the team, make more sense to me now than before. But still, I was not a fan of how some team rules were back then. It rubbed me the wrong way, sadly, which left me with a poor impression, but I have no need to return to the team.

But I wish them the best. I was lucky to meet the guy, JetDaBear, when I was in chaotic space. The guy is pretty cool and funny.

But yeah, I am free to do what I want, and I will probably look for some Twitch teams in the future that fit my lifestyle. The Twitch team is good. I want to clear that up, and it is not for me. Not now. And them removing me from the Twitch team was for the best.

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