I have been wondering if something happened on WordPress.com’s end because I noticed a lot of things failing to function correctly. I don’t know what happened, but something changed along the line, and I want to know if this is me thing.

So I saw that WordPress has put some widgets in the legacy widgets in this category and these don’t show up anymore unless you have the code to re-add them to your blog. And they still work, but it is clear that WordPress wants people to use the new shiny toys.

So let’s start with the first one.

Blog stats

This widget has been put into the legacy, although, being marked as legacy, it does seem like a way for WordPress to say without saying that these legacy widgets are defunct. But enough of that. The widget would update your site and give you a counter that updates on a delay. I think 30 minutes or something like that, but it worked.

legacy widget

The new blog counter seems to not work when I use it. It says it has a five-minute delay before updating, but it never updates and says zero. I don’t know if this is because I am using the bedrock theme or the new blog stat counter is overall broken. I don’t know who made the push to add this replacement widget, but man, they need to fix it.

new widget

If the counter works for you, tell me.

Top Posts & Pages

This widget was nice before it got the legacy treatment. Before, the widget would show all users a set of your top liked or viewed posts and pages every 24 to 48 hours to not show every post at once. This was pleasant because it would show posts that were gaining views in the current year, I feel that was a good way to see what posts were doing well and viewers would have better access to your blog library.

The new widget does not work like the old one, it will grab any post without delay and show you all the posts that did well. It changes the set of posts on each page change, refreshes the page, and it is weird, you know.

Follow button

This one should go without saying, but the follow button is good, you can get your viewers coming back to your blog if they like your content. And if they were logged in, they could follow you and be on their way or not.

This button too was given the legacy treatment as well. The only follow button left is the subscribe button which users enter their email, and they get your post through email, which may be annoying

then I guess my question is, are these issues here because I was the new WordPress theme or are these not related to the theme, but these widgets are broken, if this is the case, I would like an answer if able. It is odd, but I guess as long as I can use the old legacy widgets, it is fine, I wonder how long these legacy widgets will work.

source: Anya Forger No GIF

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