SonicVania dev log 4: General ideas, adding common features

It is time for one big log of dev stuff for SonicVania that I have made. I will mention the important stuff, so you will see stuff that is part of the main game. I won’t waste any more time.

Sonicvania: Healing

This was a thing I made for an ex-BFF, or friend. (I can’t imagine we would still be friends after all this time, since it has been one year+ since I left and stopped talking to them.) It was a special orb that could heal the player when the player picked it up. Why did I make this orb? I made this for reasons, lol.

Boy, this item I made did not age well. Oh boy. Then I later chose to break the orb thing because I went through my little ark and i was mad, but besides that, I made a tweet, which is a dumb video. You have to find it on your own now.

And I did promise or say I would add this item to the game, so I will do that at least. When the player gets this item or upgrade, it will grant a 5% bonus to all healing effects and potions and grant some healing after a while. The healing will be based on your max HP; the higher your max HP, the better the heal of course, and the longer the cooldown will be to offset the strong heal.

Let’s work on this upgrade. When you picked up this ball or orb of light, you would heal a bit, and that was really it. And while the new update I have planned will fix that and make it more useful,

I might make it add to the player’s stats, and with each level it gets stronger and can become a useful upgrade for the player, making them powerful in the later half of the game.

Sonicvania’s debuff system

At the moment, there are 6 debuffs for the player. Fire, water, ice, poison, lighting, and death

Fire: When on fire, you will take damage and lose attack power

Water: When under the debuff, the player will be slower, and the defense will be lower

Ice: When under the ice debuff you lose HP and your defense will be lowered

Poison, you take damage over time, and heals are 8% less useful

Lighting: When under the debuff, once in a while you come to a full stop

Death: Under the death debuff, if hit, you have a chance to die

Demon debuff: a passive debuff that makes you weaker and your enemies stronger. It will be clear when you are under the debuff.

Sonicvania’s weapon system

For the time being, weapons are special rings that Sonic can use in addition to his normal moves. These rings can have unique ways of attacking. The rings can act like weapons, and I can show you.

The normal default ring

This ring will hover around the player, and if it touches an enemy, it will deal fixed damage. I have changed this. 5 * the number of rings summoned. The more rings are active, the more damage this will add.

The ring can do true damage, but the trade-off is you get no critical damage. The ring can’t get stronger by upgrading, but it is good as a weapon to help out the user.

Other ring weapons

Bouncing ring

A quick change to the bouncing rings and the way they can scale damage, and it will use weapon attack power and the player’s attack -50. It will be a little stronger than the normal ring but not overpowered, but I will change this as much as I need. This could be a healing ring.

Sonicvania’s damage system

normal damage

Normal damage is just the player’s move-set damage. Anything that is not magic or skill is normal damage, and this type of damage is affected by buffs, debuffs, player stats, and enemy stats.

If you do 150 damage and the target has 20 def, you will do 130 damage, and with later monsters, there will be enemies with 20% defense. This is the same for the player if they were to be attacked.

I will of course change this later on, and I will have some changes once I get deeper with the code.

Skill damage or magic damage

This is special damage that you can use skills or magic to do. Magic and skills will ignore 20% of enemy defense, and they can do more when the player is able to do a critical attack, but that will be for later.

These types of damage can add debuffs to enemies, which add more damage, or even weaken monsters’ defense or attack.

True damage

True damage is special damage that ignores the enemy’s defense or no longer accounts for the enemy’s defense and does the damage as shown. If a weapon does 30 damage, it will do 30 damage, but it can not get stronger by normal means, and true damage does not have any critical attacks.

True damage is only good for low-level content, and this type of damage could have use later on, but that will be a secret later on.

Sonicvania – death system

So, like most of the Castlevania games, when you die, the screen fades to black, or there is a fancy screen based on how you die. Then you return to the title screen, and then you load the game from your last save point.

Your last save is how you can respawn, and I feel this can be good or bad. It is bad that if the player does not save often, then the player will lose all that progress, but it is good if the player often saves to make death less of an issue or setback.

So I had an idea. If you die outside a boss room, you will return to the save room, but this will add to the bad ending as a bar fills up on each death. I can talk about this later in a new dev log.

Now, if you die in a boss room, then you would die like in any normal Castlevania game since there is no save room and the room is sealed off. And the same can be applied if you die outside the boss room and no save room is found, or if you are too far away from a save area.

Sonicvania: A Story

The story goes as follows:This happens after the boss rush. After Sonic stopped Eggman and his robots, Sonic took out mecha and his new plan and weird machine. He runs off, leading Sonic into a trap, which kicks off the events of SonicVania as Sonic is sent into the unknown.

Your goal is to escape this new realm, stop whatever evil lurks in this new realm, help the people there, and make sure whatever is here does not get free.

HighlanderWorm said they do not understand my game or what it is. I feel looming will never understand it, even if I spend hours trying to explain it to him anyway.

Sonicvania: Corruption

I want to add a bit of a threat to the game since you are in a new realm with demons and monsters. I added a meter that slowly builds up over time. Idling in areas that are affected by a demon debuff. It will be made clear what that is.

Fighting certain demons and monsters will fill up the meter, and even using a unique form will fill up the meter as well. It can be cured and/or reduced. If this meter gets to 100%, you will get something bad.

The meter starts at 0%, but for every 25% milestone, that will become the new minimum value (0% > 25%). If that meter gets too high, some shops will no longer serve you, and some player attacks may even harm the player.

If you play COC, or Champions of Corruption, and know about the corruption gameplay mechanics, then you know. That’s all I will say there. Lol

I will talk about some other things in the next dev log. Like the forms and the next area, the bosses, and even some NPCs and shops, and two new areas that are a part of one main area, the castle, which is contained

and I can even show you an inventory for the game, potions, food you can find, and a bit more. That’s all. See you later.

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