December blog update

So, what a year, huh? So much has happened, it all has gone downhill, and the year was all over the place. For better or worst, but it was for the worst. There was “some” good moments in 2020. Even though all the awful things that happened to the world and everyone. I can point out some good things that happened to me or that I have done.


Since 2020 I have been blogging way more than average. I have done so much more than I had planned. I was in a dark place. And I am still in a dark place, but I have “better” control of it. But off track, I had a lot of things happen to me since I started blogging more.

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– I have made 97 posts within 2020 and had a blast doing so.

-I got three blogger awards, and I got added to crow’s list

– I found out that WordPress has a userbase, but you have to find them when you look past the inactive accounts and bots.

– I met some new bloggers on

– I reached 100+ followers and growing

– My blog has 6,942 views

– I learned a lot

– I still have a post that went unanswered. If WordPress users or bloggers can answer my question, that would be great. Blog post in question: More questions about WordPress.

Blogging has been a new way to vent and release problems since people I talk to are not around, and I begone to shut everyone out and keep the awful problems to myself now, which is not healthy for me.

If I didn’t have blogging as a means to vent or rant, I can’t say I would still be here blogging or alive. It kept being that tiny thread of hope, and while blogging got me through 2020, I can’t say it may do the same for 2021. But time will tell.

I plan on blogging as long as I can because, to me, blogging is a fun hobby. I can share my thoughts and opinions on things. I can talk about anything, and that makes blogging for me anyway, worthwhile.

2.)Social Media

So this one has been hard for me and everyone else. The people I talk to the most are so busy. Their accounts are more or less inactive. In many of my posts, I talked about leaving social media or making a new account in hopes of finding active people to talk to on social media.

2.1.) Twitter

Twitter, for me, is a wasteland. People have been leaving Twitter. Their Twitter accounts have been left inactive. Friends dealing with stress. I have asked myself, should I delete my Twitter and start over? I mean, there is no one left to talk to on Twitter. And if there is, it has been months or years since we spoke to each other. But I will decide on new years eve, and by then, I will know what to do. I mean, if I wait for a little longer, things will go back to normal in 2021, but they won’t. But who knows. Until then, I will keep “using” my Twitter till I decide to leave it behind for my alt, maybe. My main: Onychaos

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2.2) Facebook

It’s in the same boat as Twitter, but unlike Twitter, I have all the reason to delete my Facebook account. Whatever reason for being there is gone. I’m not going to delete the Facebook account, but I will not use it anymore unless I have to, and even then, there is not much point to it anymore for me.

2.3) Discord

I have been more active here on Discord servers. Chatting with guild members and random users. I have my discord server but should make a post for that, huh? It would be a good idea to do that. People would know about it and would have more users in the discord server.

I will roll the dice and see what happens. There is not much more to say here.

3.) Gaming related

I have done a lot in terms of gaming. I played a good number of games, got far in MMORPGs, and making my fan games. It’s wild and crazy.

3.1) Elsword

– I know to ignore Tigre if he offers to play Elsword. Nothing came of it when he showed me a picture which was a Chekhov’s gun. I didn’t expect much, so I wasn’t let down much.

– My friend stopped playing elsword

-I got stronger in elsword, done things I thought were never going to happen. I came a long way from doing something in elsword to being better in elsword

-I got my elsword raid weapon and raid accessories

– I got a Master class, and a level 10 weapon

– I have been reforging rigomor armor, and it is at reforge stage: 12/11/11/11

– I am slowly getting strong still.

3.2) Genshin Impact

When this game came out, I dropped Elsword as it was something better to play. I had some idea that it will be easy to play, but genshin was far different from what I thought.

– I got to Level 80 with Razor

– I am close to the end game

– Almost completed all my quests

– DeadKev19 dropped the game before it truly started in genshin.

– Other friends looked like they would play but wasted time waiting for them, sadly.

– farming is not bad. Still a grind, but with friends, it is less of one and good times.

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I do enjoy genshin impact, the game has issues, but I still love it. I will keep playing it till it becomes not fun or I can’t anymore.

3.3) Sims 4

I started to play sims 4 again. It was fun seeing the sims do dumb things. I even modded Sims 4 with a mod. Just watching the sims go around being vampires or jerks is fun to behold.

4.) The good things that happened in my life

With all that has happened, some good things have happened that make up for it, just a bit. Let’s talk about “good” things. Although, not many.

– My blog taking off

– Susu, an old friend of mine, came back into my life.

– I made some new gaming friends

– I Made new friends on discord

– I met some weird users on discord

– Me and Susu had calls

– I joined Servers on discord

– I am still alive

– I am part of a twitch team called: Chaotic Space. I like it but not in love with the team’s rules, post coming later

– I became friends with a lot of people: Naid, Tez, Shaive, Ara main in an elsword raid server, Rin, and Ultimate

– I learned more about clickteam fusion 2.5 in terms of coding.

– I am part of the K-pop fandom. I fell in love with some kpop artists

– I am a Vtuber fanboy. The vtubers are great content creators. :3

Well, this is a short blog post update. There is more, but whatever I didn’t list here, I listed before in other updates. And so, here we are. Going to end 2020 on an awful note. But, here is hoping that 2021 turns out better. We need a better year because this year was beyond awful.

But with this post, I will end this year of blogging on a good note. And, here is hoping that I can create more posts for you to enjoy. And have a happy new year. :3

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